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Kase 4.5: Enhanced Fx & Inheritance


The arrival of Xcode 16 betas prompted some of the changes in this update. First was a farewell to TransformerKit.


  • Formatters: The removal of TransformerKit led to simplification and extension of the Fx's: Meet the new KaseFx command StringTransformer.
  • Secure coding: Transformers in Core Data model are now more secure (based on NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer).
  • Inheritance: "Remove Inheritance": Now a Deck can "uninherit" (or be disinherited) from its super Deck.
    • Of course, that means data entries in inherited fields (from all super Decks) will be deleted, and all inheriting sub Decks will also have inherited field data (from that level up) removed. Kase will ask for confirmation before proceeding.
  • Import/Export: Many more async/awaits. Plus some speed-ups due to more efficient (less stupid) codes.


  • CSV import with AutoFill could cause a crash. (fixed)
